The Pride
We walk in silent contemplation but we are strong. We seek knowledge but battles are not unknown to us. Honor is our lifeblood, courage our foundation, and unity our salvation. No longer are our Kind flourishing, we are spread few and far. We are fierce of heart and we stand together in honor and pleasure. We seek the secrets of all cultural lore.The supernatural intriques us.
Pride Members
Our Pride is still growing but has a solid base.
:::As you follow the panther, you become suddenly disoriented and find yourself following after a shapely woman whose long black tresses are all that covers her, as you venture deeper into the forest you start to feel the presence of others about you. The woman turns to you smiling softly and speaks in an exotic accent:::
Rank Ilani: Nyara Strike~Like~Lightning;
Honorary Members:
Malitzin Tenepal Kel Wolfshire
You are visitor number
~Dark Claws of the Mother~
~May Moon Mother Bless All~
~Felines of Dark Pleasures~
"Vishnu birthed the cat, Uma stroked it, and Kali set it in motion"
:::Within the darkest hour of the night you find yourself wandering the forested terrain and as you look about, a sleek black form melts out of the shadows and into the moonlight before you, its black fur pulled over muscle enough to rip prey apart and shimmering with silver highlights. A pair of blue-white eyes glide over you and then meet your gaze with an allure almost too hard to resist, you feel a sort of caress in the back of your mind and a purring voice speaks:::
"Welcome to the land of my Pride...Come, meet the Dark Claws of the Mother..."
"Meet the Dark Claws of the Mother."
X Nyara X
Rank Tilau: Benjamin P. Riley; BenjaminPR
Rank Tehkmet:Jade Aurora Darkefyre; Jadedrkfyr
Rank Acquellia Acquillia
GalenShi - Galen Shi'atal
Bowonna DarkKnight Kel
Kainan Wolfshire